The VC Cloud Provider DR and Migration plugin reports a “no healthy upstream” message.
Setting for the Service endpoints for the local vCenter do not report any error.
The VCDA manager under Peer sites reports “Authentication failure”
Change in the environment – A new SSL certificate was generate for the VCDA manager.
VCDA Manager / Configuration / Setting / Service endpoints / Lookup Service address
Click “edit” and re-enter the VCDA service account used for the vCenter.
The vCenter will show a banner “Plugin VMware Cloud Director Availability On-Premises Plugin: has been successfully undeployed. Refresh the browser to remove.”
Refreshing the tab now shows the VCDA manager inside of the VC.
While not in scope of the VC plugin error, this was missed after the VCDA certificate replacement.
On the “B” VCDA manager in scope, Peer Sites, picked with other VCDA “A” and click “repair”. A popup to accept the certificate will appear.
Replicator Services – Repair the local replicator.
Enter the root password for the VCDA and accept the new certificate popup’s twice (one for the test button, one to apply)
Login to the “A” VCDA manager peered site.
Under Peer Sites, “B” in scope of the certificate change reports “Certificate differs from the expected one.”
Click “Repair” and accept the new certificate
Apx 2 minutes later, refresh both Managers Peer Site pages to see the green check marks all is well.