NSX Edge Root User Password List from NSX Manager


NSX Edge Root User Password List from NSX Manager


Changing the NSX Edge Services Gateway (ESG) “admin” user is easy via the web client “Change CLI Credentials”.  The root password is unknown.

  1. SSH into the NSX Manager as the admin user.
  2. Enable mode by typing in : en
  3. Enter engineering mode by typing:  st eng
  4. The password is: IAmOnThePhoneWithTechSupport per KBA 2149630 Tested with 6.4.4 Build 11197766
  5. Run this command the list the edge root password: /home/secureall/secureall/sem/WEB-INF/classes/./GetSpockEdgePassword.sh
  6. You can also display the admin password: /home/secureall/secureall/sem/WEB-INF/classes/./GetCliUserEdgePassword.sh
  1. Make sure SSH is enabled on the Edge in scope.
  2. Connect to the console of the Edge VM. I will connect to the active edge VM edge1-0
    Why the console? You can not enable engineering mode via SSH.
    nsx-edge1.my.lab-0# debug engineeringmode enable
    ERROR: This command is only available from console.
  3. At the console, login as the admin user.
  4. enable mode by typing in: en
  5. Type in: debug engineeringmode enable
  1. SSH into the edge active VM.   Make sure your have a firewall rule to allow TCP 22.
  2. enable mode by typing in: en
  3. enter engineering mode by typing: st eng
    The password is the root one found from the GetSpockEdgePassword.sh output.
  4. Run your linux commands.Note – WinSCP will still not connect so if you need to ship a packet capture off, you will need to run debug copy scp id@ip:/temp/tcpdump_vnic0.1
    **  UPDATE May 17th, 2020  – Step to all WinSCP to work https://vmscribble.com/nsx/winscp-into-an-nsx-edge/  **